

SOM.plotDensity โ€” Function.
plotDensity(som::Som; predict = nothing,
            title = "Density of Self-Organising Map",
            paper = :a4r,
            colormap = "autumn_r",
            detail = 45,
            device = :display, fileName = "somplot")

Plot the population of neurons as colours.


  • som: the som of type Som; som is the only mandatory argument
  • predict: DataFrame of mappings as outputed by mapToSOM()
  • title: main title of plot
  • paper: plot size; currentlx supported: :a4, :a4r, :letter, :letterr
  • colormap: MatPlotLib colourmap (Python-style strings; e.g. "Greys").
  • detail: only relevant for 3D-plotting of spherical SOMs: higher values result in smoother display of the 3D-sphere
  • device: one of :display, :png, :svg, :pdf or any file-type supported by MatPlotLib; default is :display
  • fileName: name of image file. File extention overrides the setting of device.
SOM.plotClasses โ€” Function.
plotClasses(som::Som, frequencies;
            title = "Class Frequencies of Self-Organising Map",
            paper = :a4r,
            colors = "brg",
            detail = 45,
            device = :display, fileName = "somplot")

Plot the population of neurons as colours.


  • som: the som of type Som; som is the only mandatory argument
  • frequencies: DataFrame of frequencies as outputed by classFrequencies()
  • title: main title of plot
  • paper: plot size; currentlx supported: :a4, :a4r, :letter, :letterr
  • colors: MatPlotLib colourmap (Python-style as string "gray" or Julia-style as Symbol :gray) or dictionary with classes as keys and colours as vals; keys can be provides as Strings or Symbols; colours must be valid coulour definitions (such as RGB, names, etc). Default: brg
  • detail: only relevant for 3D-plotting of spherical SOMs: higher values result in smoother display of the 3D-sphere
  • device: one of :display, :png, :svg, :pdf or any file-type supported by MatPlotLib; default is :display
  • fileName: name of image file. File extention overrides the setting of device.