

struct Som

Structure to hold all data of a trained SOM.


  • codes::Array{Float64,2}: 2D-array of codebook vectors. One vector per row
  • colNames::Array{String,1}: names of the attribute with which the SOM is trained
  • normParams::DataFrame: normalisation parameters for each column of training data. Column headers corresponds with colNames.
  • norm::Symbol: normalisation type; one of :none, :minmax, :zscore
  • xdim::Int: number of neurons in x-direction
  • ydim::Int: number of neurons in y-direction
  • nCodes::Int: total number of neurons
  • grid::Array{Float64,2}: 2D-array of coordinates of neurons on the map (2 columns (x,y)] for rectangular and hexagonal maps 3 columns (x,y,z) for spherical maps)
  • indices::DataFrame: X-, Y-indices of the neurons
  • topol::Symbol: topology of the SOM; one of :rectangular, :hexagonal, :spherical
  • toroidal::Bool: if true, the SOM is toroidal (has no edges)
  • population::Array{Int,1}: 1D-array of numbers of training samples mapped to each neuron.